Foreign students: all you need to know about DBS

Temps de lecture : < 1 minute

When you are a foreign student or when you are looking to study abroad, choosing your school may be one of the most difficult things to do, even more if you are looking to study in another language! 

If you are interested in doing your studies in France, and you are passionate about the digital era, Digital Business School is the perfect place for you.

Digital Business School is a business school (also known as “école de commerce” in french) located in the city of Nîmes, in the south of France.

We propose three different degrees, all based in the digital professions :

  • 2 Higher National Diploma (HND)
  • 6 Bachelor degrees
  • 8 Masters degrees

In order to validate your degree, you will have to do an internship of at least 2 months, and you can also do your formation in “alternance” (sandwich course) but it is necessary to verify with the prefecture of Nîmes if your student visa allows you to work in France. (please notice that you must have been living in France from 1 year and have a Titre de séjour to be able to do your studies in alternance)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on our social media, like Facebook or Instagram.

See you soon !

Do you want to candidate for DBS ? Here’s the link! We will contact you as soon as possible 🙂

* All our courses are taught in french, and you will need a TCF exam with a B2 level in french, in order to candidate.

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